What we do

Bronzewing Sun Farms believe in quality over quantity. That’s why we offer one product and one product only – our AIM Up Plan – tailored to your needs. Aim Up explained. ACCESS: We assess your electricity consumption and premises at no cost to you. INSTALL: We install a solar system and solar meter at your premises at zero up-front cost to you. MANAGE: We operate, maintain and insure the solar system for a term of typically 15 years. UP: At the end of the term, we transfer ownership of the solar system to you.

What we do.


We believe in quality over quantity. That’s why we offer one product and one product only – our AIM Up Plan – tailored to your needs.



We assess your electricity consumption and premises at no cost to you.
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We install a solar system and solar meter at your premises at zero up-front cost to you.
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We operate, maintain and insure the solar system for a term of typically 15 years.
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And when the term is up we transfer ownership of the solar system to you.
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Batteries included?

Our Aim Up Plan does not currently include battery storage but the solar system may be retrofitted to incorporate batteries. We can include batteries upon request.


Is this the same as a solar PPA?

‘Solar power purchase agreement’ or ‘solar PPA’ is just energy industry jargon for a contract for the sale of electricity generated by a solar system.

Solar PPAs are increasingly being used by electricity retailers and large consumers of electricity such as Telstra, Coles and universities, to secure supply of and fix the price they pay for electricity. These big corporate solar PPAs often depend on solar farms that can stretch for tens or even hundreds of football fields, and electricity is usually delivered via the grid. In addition, their pricing mechanisms can include complex derivatives and may not result in transfer of solar farm ownership to the electricity buyer.

In contrast, our AIM Up Plan is designed to meet the needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and others with smaller but still substantial electricity requirements. Consequently, our solar farms will usually fit on a single rooftop or within a single small paddock, and electricity is delivered exclusively to end users at the same premises. Beyond that, we keep pricing simple and transfer solar farm ownership to our customer at the end of the term.