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Terms of Use


Terms of use.

Application and ownership

  • These Terms of Use govern access to and use of website www.bronzewingsunfarms.com (Website).

  • The Website belongs to Australian company Bronzewing Sun Farms Pty Ltd (ACN 622 818 928) and its associated entities (collectively, we, us or our).


Access and agreement

  • By accessing the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use as well as all applicable laws and regulations.


Intellectual property and licensing

  • To the best of our knowledge, we own or have a licence to use copyright in the content of the Website, unless otherwise indicated.

  • We give you a licence to temporarily download content, software or other information (Materials) from the Website for personal and transitory viewing only.

  • As conditions of this licence, you may not, and may not attempt to: (a) modify, reproduce or copy Materials; (b) use Materials for any commercial purpose or public display; (c) decompile or reverse engineer software on the Website; (d) remove copyright or proprietary marks from Materials; (e) transfer Materials to another person or ‘mirror’ Materials on any other server; (f) introduce viruses or contaminants (including bugs, worms, logic bombs or Trojan horses) to the Website; (g) use any automated software routine (e.g. bots) to access the Website; or (h) do anything which may harm or impede the security of the Website.

  • Without limitation to other legal rights we may have, this licence will automatically terminate if you breach any licence condition above; however, we may at our absolute discretion terminate this licence at any time for any reason or no reason at all.
  • If your licence is terminated, you must destroy all downloaded or printed Materials in your possession.


Cookies and privacy

  • You do not need to reveal your identity to us in order to use the Website; however, you may use the Website to provide information including personal information to us, and the Website may use ‘cookies’ to collect anonymous traffic data from you and others who use the Website. The internet servers may also automatically collect data about any computer used to access the Website (such as IP address, domain name and browser type), date and time of access and information downloaded. Cookies are small text files that our Website places on your computer and are in most cases used to help our Website recall which pages you find useful and which you do not. So overall, cookies help us to improve your experience of our Website. Cookies do not give us access to your computer or any information about you other than the data you choose to share with us. Most internet browsers are pre-set to accept cookies but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies should you prefer this.

  • Please check out our Privacy Policy for information about how we use and handle personal information provided to or collected by us and your consent to this.


Links to external websites

  • We have not reviewed and do not control external websites linked to the Website, their content or their privacy policies.

  • A link on our Website to an external website does not imply endorsement of that website’s owner or operator or its software, content or privacy policy.

  • You use linked external websites at your own risk, and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible or liable to you or any other person for use of such external websites or for Losses (defined below) arising from such use.


No warranties

  • The Website and its Materials are each provided on an ‘as is’ basis and may contain errors.

  • To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all warranties (including without limitation any warranty that would otherwise be implied by law), representations or guarantees that the Website or its Materials are suitable, accurate, complete, current or reliable, or that they do not infringe intellectual property rights.


No liability

  • To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible or liable to you or any other person for your access to or use of the Website or for any loss arising from such use, including: expenses; costs; demands; claims; damages; liabilities; injury; illness; interruption of service; loss of or corruption of data, software or hardware; loss of reputation; loss of business; loss of contracts; loss of revenue; loss of savings; loss of profit; loss of opportunity to earn the foregoing; or increase in operating expenses or financing costs, whether direct or indirect or normal or consequential in nature (Losses).



  • You indemnify us against Losses we suffer arising from your breach of these Terms of Use. .


Revision of Website

  • We may unilaterally modify the Website or its Materials from time to time without notice.



  • These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between parties, and supersede all prior agreements or understandings, whether written or otherwise, in relation to access to or use of the Website and any other subject matter of these Terms of Use.

  • These Terms of Use will be governed by the laws of New South Wales. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and courts able to hear appeals therefrom. We operate the Website from Australia. If you access the Website from outside Australia, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with local law.

  • We may unilaterally modify these Terms of Use from time to time without notice. By accessing the Website, you agree to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use.
  • You may not assign your rights (including sub-license any licence) or subcontract your obligations under these Terms of Use without our written consent. We may assign our rights or subcontract our obligations under these Terms of Use without restriction.

  • Where any part of these Terms of Use is or becomes illegal, invalid, unenforceable or void, such part shall be removed and the rest of these Terms of Use shall continue to have full effect.
  • Any provision of these Terms of Use which is expressed to or, by its nature, survives the termination of these Terms of Use, will survive such termination.

  • Our delay or failure to exercise a right or power under contract or remedy in connection therewith, or to enforce performance by you of an obligation, shall not constitute waiver by us of that right, power, remedy or obligation.
  • Where you comprise two or more legal persons, these Terms of Use shall bind such persons jointly and severally.

  • In these Terms of Use: (a) reference to party includes that party’s agents, successors and permitted assigns; (b) reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, joint venture, government agency, association, trust, company or other body corporate; and (c) reference to a document includes any supplements and amendments thereunder.